In The Lineup

In The Lineup

Posted Aug 08, 2024

Louis Solywoda's journey combines creativity, adventure, and a deep connection to his roots in Hawaii. Born and raised in Oahu, Louis's childhood was immersed in the rhythms of the ocean and the beats of a guitar.    

His path led him to become a multifaceted artist—blending music, modeling, photography, and storytelling. His modeling career began unexpectedly as a teenager, leading him to work with brands across the globe. His heart remained anchored in music and his home, where he returned to nurture his creative spirit and raise his family.  

His musical talent has flourished into a passion for songwriting and performing, expressing themes of love, resilience, and the spirit of aloha. We shot with Louis for our Fall '24 collection and caught up later to learn about how he Finds his Outerknown through his commitment to sustainability, adventure, and pushing to the furthest reaches.

Growing up in Hawaii, have you always been connected to the ocean?

My father was an amazing captain, and when my brother, sister, and I were kids, he would take us out to Waikiki to bodyboard at a wave called Canoes. We used to catch waves from the lineup all the way to the sand right in front of travelers enjoying the beach. We would blow their minds with how far we would ride the waves. My father was a man of the elements, space, and time. When I am in the ocean reading the horizon, I feel so close to him. He passed away in 2015.

When my home stopped feeling like a home, the ocean held me in a special, safe place where I felt all my senses come to life.

You seem to have several different professional and personal passions. What are you currently working on?
been almost ten years since my father passed, and there was a lot of healing to be had. I have been pouring myself into the arts: modeling, writing lyrics/music, surfing, and discovering what path I wish to set in my life. I have been playing live music for events, modeling, and exploring photography. My most recent success was writing a song for my best friend's wedding. I recorded it in a studio with a wizard of a producer/pianist named Pierre Grill. He reminds me of my father in so many ways. As an artist, it’s hard to find a safe place to let your work come through. I feel so blessed to work with this man. I know we will be bringing more music to life.

How did you first get into music?

My mother grew up playing music, and she always had a guitar laying around the house. She put me in guitar lessons as a kid and actually forced me—thank God! I'm so grateful for her push. She would listen to Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones around the house, and now that music brings me to a warm place in my heart when I hear it.


We were so stoked to work with you for our latest Fall 2024 photo shoot! How did you first get into the modeling world?
I am so happy to be a part of the 2024 shoot for Outerknown. Working in fashion is such a gift. I was scouted at the age of 15 while I was in high school, and I would do photoshoots for a variety of brands. When I graduated high school, I got scouted by Bruce Weber to shoot for Versace in New York. It changed the game for me. I lived in New York for two years and gave modeling a big go. My passion and heart were around lifestyle, and living in New York was not cutting it for me. I moved back to Oahu to reconnect to the ocean and my family. I would fly back and forth to work with Ralph Lauren and other brands out of New York from Hawaii. When COVID happened, I met someone very special and quickly had a baby with them soon after. We have the most beautiful child, and we co-parent very well.

Where do you draw the most inspiration from?

I feel my inspiration in life is living fully responsible for my emotional and physical being and remaining fearless in the pursuit of sharing and creating art. I wish to be the best example for my son. My inspiration comes from new technology combined with ancient philosophies and ways of being.

What excites you most about what you do?

What excites me the most about what I do is that I can connect with people around the world—through music, working with photographers, and filmmakers. We are all in the common theme of pushing our inspirations forward from an experience and understanding of our lives and making art out of that. It’s like being part of a generational wave of creativity.

All I do in this life is to inspire for good to be planted for the next generations. That means living with aloha, sharing love in the world, and believing it all makes a difference.

This is to the point of making a brand out of my being, so when I work with bigger brands, when people see me, it reminds them of this feeling of aloha. Also, through my music, most of my lyrics are based around sharing love or getting through hard times. This is all for the same message I wish to ripple out beyond my lifetime.


At Outerknown, we're always encouraging folks to get offline, embrace adventure, and "Find Their Outerknown," aka what drives their passion. So, what is your Outerknown?

My Outerknown is deeply inspired by the natural world. Engaging in activities like surfing, rock climbing, sailing, and cultural practices connects me to nature and helps me stay in peak mental, physical, and spiritual shape. These experiences remind me of how everything in life is interconnected, providing me with a deep sense of peace even amidst life's chaos.

Being out in nature sharpens my ability to remain calm and centered. I strive to carry this perspective with me and share it with others through my actions rather than words. It’s a practice of living with light, love, and grace. 

When my mind is restless, it seeks expression through these outdoor activities. If I don’t find an outlet, I struggle to find peace and my life’s rhythm feels disrupted. The outerknown aspect of my life goes beyond physical adventures; it strengthens my natural survival skills and spatial awareness, preparing me for the raw, unpredictable elements of life. 

As the world evolves, we all contribute to that evolution. Reflecting on our journey, I often ponder the direction of human consciousness, the essence of being alive, and what truly matters in life. The answers are found in nature and through the gift of reflection.


Aside from endlessly chasing adventure, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. How do you try to lower your impact on the environment in your daily life?
I support sustainable brands and love a good thrift find over most new products.

Any Outerknown pieces you particularly love?

I love the prints of the board shorts, all the pants, and sweaters! I honestly can’t wait to rock them this fall and winter. I love a good classic style mixed with surf comfort/style. I feel it’ll suit a nice sailing surf trip to another island. All the pieces in the Fall 2024 set feel so right for my life. I can’t wait for fall.

What's on the horizon for you? Any upcoming trips or projects?

The future holds lots of expansion. For the past year, I’ve been working with an amazing modeling manager who shares the same vision and values as I do. We have been working on cultivating the foundation for a long-lasting career. Recently, an artist named Taimane Gardner introduced me to a producer who I feel so good about working with. I’ve been sitting on so many songs that I haven’t released. Now that Pierre Grill and I are connected, I feel so confident for the best version of my music to come through into the world. I also just finished my first acting project on a short film in Los Angeles, and I am so excited to be a part of telling stories through cinema. One day, I wish to assist in writing stories and acting in them to embody a character who lives aloha in love and conflict. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with the Outerknown team. Big thank you to Nate and Jeff. Thank you for holding true to the value of true abundance—sustainability. Aloha!

Follow Outerknown Ambassador Louis Solywoda as he continues to Find his Outerknown on land and sea!

Instagram: @loudaddy_ 

Posted Aug 08, 2024